Hin's Tech tagged me in his “My One Money Advice” . He was inspired by Blog Action Day and he has tagged four other friends for the post. I believe they all do have interesting and insightful posts for ‘My One Money Advice.'

I would like to thank my online friend, Hin, for tagging me on this movement or effort. To me it is not all about money when you want to be successful. Do we gauge a successful person with money that they have? I do not think so. Not all rich people in this world are happy people or successful people. To me a successful person is a happy person with their lives, happy with their family, happy with their work or what they do, happy with what they have in lives.

On top of that there are 6 keys to be Successful and be Happy;

a. Have an effort to be successful. One must work or take action to be successful.
b. You could be successful if you have Savings. Saving should be done continuosly even at 10% of your earnings. I have an example below on how we could dictate our Savings.
c. Grow your saving with good and profitable investments. It must be clean and profitable. Look for the best option.
d. With your profits, you should give out some to help others example as elms. This is important because when you help others, people will remember you and later they will pray for your success. This is the chain reaction.
e. Do not ever put yourself in great debts. Big debts will kill your efforts and your motivations.
f. Always pray to God for your success.

Above all there must be a balance between your income and also your spending. Do not over spend against your income. Do not ever compare with others. Just focus on yours. When you start comparing, that is when the problems crop-up.

Note: How to Do Savings – I would recommend as follows,

1. Save 1/10 to put a side and forget.
2. Save 1/10 to settle your debts.
3. Save 1/10 for elms or to help others (to communities).
4. Use 2/10 for your family.
5. Use 1/10 for your needs.
6. Give out 1/10 to your parents.
7. Re-invest 2/10 to double up your profits.
8. Re-invest 1/10 to your existing business.

Now I would like to know what my friends Alvin, Karen Lim, Niralan Bobalan, Gobala Krishnan, and Rocky John Tayaban have to say about their one money advice.

What everyone is saying?

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