Wanna do some good cause activities to save the earth? It is called Earth Hour.

help us make Earth Hour 2008 even bigger

Beyond turning off your lights for one hour at 8pm March 29, 2008, there are lots of things you can do to make Earth Hour 2008 an even greater success. Here are just a few to get you started.

  • Sign up. Not only will you really feel part of it, but you’ll also receive lots of useful tips and tools.

It started with a question: How can we inspire people to take action on climate change?

The answer: Ask the people of Sydney to turn off their lights for one hour.

On 31 March 2007, 2.2 million people and 2100 Sydney businesses turned off their lights for one hour – Earth Hour. If the greenhouse reduction achieved in the Sydney CBD during Earth Hour was sustained for a year, it would be equivalent to taking 48,616 cars off the road for a year.

With Sydney icons like the Harbour Bridge and Opera House turning their lights off, and unique events such as weddings by candlelight, the world took notice. Inspired by the collective effort of millions of Sydneysiders, many major global cities are joining Earth Hour in 2008, turning a symbolic event into a global movement.

So join me here on this global movement, Earth Hour 2008.

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